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The National Trade Union Publicity and Education Work Conference was held in Beijing

The National Trade Union Publicity and Education Work Conference was held in Beijing from November 29 to 30 to analyze the new situation and new tasks faced by trade union publicity and education work, and make arrangements for trade union publicity and education work in the new era。Yan Jinghua, Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Secretariat of ACFTU, attended the meeting and delivered a speech,It is required to take in-depth study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party as the primary political task of trade union propaganda and education work at present and in the future,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,Focus on new goals and tasks,Find the point of entry and focus,Strive to create a new era of trade union publicity and education work。

Yan Jinghua fully affirmed the achievements made by the national trade union system in publicity and education since 2016。He demands,The cadres of the trade union propaganda and education system should take the lead in in-depth study and understanding, vigorously publicize and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party,Focus on learning to understand and do real work,In promoting the spirit of the 19th National Congress into the enterprise, into the workshop, into the team efforts,Work hard to guide practice and create a new situation,Effectively transform the achievements of studying and implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Party into the ability and level of trade union propaganda and education work in the new era。

Yan Jinghua stressed,Trade unions at all levels should improve and earnestly implement the responsibility system for ideological work,Strictly control the political direction, public opinion direction, and value orientation,Firmly grasp the leadership of the ideological work of the trade union;Actively cultivate and practice core socialist values,Further strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of workers in the new era,Vigorously promote the construction of knowledge-based, skilled and innovative workers;We will vigorously strengthen the guidance of the press and public opinion,Further call to do real "great power craftsman" brand,Create a social fashion of labor glory and excellence of dedication;Strengthen the top-level design of employee culture construction in the new era,Give full play to the role of workers' cultural positions,Promote the prosperity and development of employee culture;Implement the general requirements for Party building in the new era,Give top priority to political construction,To build a loyal, clean and responsible cadre of trade union propaganda and education;Strengthen organizational leadership,Deepen reform and innovation,Strive to better play the role of trade union propaganda and education in serving the overall situation of the Party and the state and the overall situation of trade union work。

At the meeting, the general trade unions of Beijing, Shandong, Jiangxi, Anhui, Guangxi, Shaanxi and other six provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) introduced the innovative experience of trade union publicity and education work, and 10 provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities) general trade unions made written statements。

Responsible comrades and ministers of the propaganda and Education Department of 31 provincial (autonomous regions and municipalities) General Trade unions and the trade unions of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,He is in charge of the propaganda work of the All-China Federation of Railway Unions, the Civil Aviation Union of China, and the Finance Union of China, and the minister of the propaganda Department,Responsible comrades of the workers' newspaper under the Federation of trade unions of each province (autonomous region or city),Responsible comrades from the Propaganda Department, Workers' Daily, China Workers' Publishing House, the Art Troupe of the Federation, and the Zhonggong Network attended the meeting。

Prev: The first stop of the provincial trade union's "Build a home, strengthen a home, warm a home" special action summary exchange meeting entered Nanchang

Next: Ouyang Feng participated in Jiangxi Provincial Federation of Trade Unions to Anyuan Party history of labor history education activities
  • Jiangxi Federation of Trade unions Jinggangshan staff education and training center


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